Course Pics
2018 Course Changes coming soon!!
2017 Bend Marathon course
The Bend Marathon course takes in all that is amazing about the city, and the beauty that surrounds it. Please note that although the Google Earth map claims the marathon course is 26.4 miles, it is in fact 26.2. The mapping software is imprecise.
2017 Bend half marathon course
Flatter, and more scenic. Score! Please note that although the Google Earth map claims the half marathon course is 13.2 miles, it is in fact 13.1. The mapping software is imprecise.
2017 Bend 10k Course
Flat, fast, gorgeous!
Bend family 5k Course
Family Friendly!
“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn't, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great." - A League of Their Own